Medical Laboratory Technician graduates are prepared for the Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) Board of Certification exam. If licensure is not required in a state, it is determined that the program meets state licensing requirements.

状态状态 Licensing Board or Department状态 Licensing Requirements笔记
阿拉巴马州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
阿拉斯加N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
American Samoa Not determined 
亚利桑那州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
阿肯色州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
加州加州 Department of Health ServicesNot determinedLicensure required. Must pass state examination; recognizes some national certification exams, however certification does not equal licensure in 加州. In addition to passing the approved certification exam and the online quiz regarding 加州 state law, the applicant must meet 加州 education and training standards in order to be eligible for a 加州 state license. The educational and training standards are described in sections 1261 and 1263 at
科罗拉多州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
ConnecticutN/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
特拉华州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
District of ColumbiaN/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
佛罗里达Department of Health Division of Medical Quality Assurance Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel满足Facility licensure only, does require CLS/CLT national certification education and experience requirements; does not cover POLs or state or federal government labs. The program meets requirements being graduates are prepared for the MLT Board of Certification exam.
乔治亚州乔治亚州 Department of Human Resources
Office of Regulatory Services
Diagnostic Services Unit
满足Licensure required. The program does meet state requirements being graduates are prepared for the MLT Board of Certification exam.
关岛 Not determined 
夏威夷夏威夷 Department of Health 状态 Laboratory Division满足NCA and ASCP BOR certification recognized. The program does meet requirements being graduates are prepared for the MLT Board of Certification exam. No continuing education required. 
爱达荷州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
伊利诺斯州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
印第安纳州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
爱荷华州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
堪萨斯N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
肯塔基州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
路易斯安那州路易斯安那州 状态 Board of Medical Examiners满足Licensure required, national certification recognized. The program does meet requirements being graduates are prepared for the MLT Board of Certification exam. Continuing education hours required annually.
缅因州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
马里兰N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
MassachusettsN/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
密歇根N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
明尼苏达州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements..
MississippiN/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
密苏里州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
蒙大拿蒙大拿 Department of Commerce Board of Clinical Laboratory Science Practitioners满足Licensure required, national certification recognized. The program does meet requirements being graduates are prepared for the MLT Board of Certification exam. Continuing education hours required annually.
内布拉斯加州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
内华达内华达 Bureau of Licensure and Certification满足Licensure required, national certification recognized. The program does meet requirements being graduates are prepared for the MLT Board of Certification exam. Continuing education hours required annually.
New HampshireN/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
新泽西N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
新墨西哥N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
纽约纽约 状态 Boards for the ProfessionsNot determinedLicensure required.
North CarolinaN/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
North DakotaNorth Dakota Board of Clinical Laboratory Practice满足Licensure required. The program does meet requirements being graduates are prepared for the MLT Board of Certification exam. Continuing education contact hours required every two years.
Northern Mariana Islands Not determined 
俄亥俄州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
俄克拉何马州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
俄勒冈州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
PennsylvaniaN/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
Puerto RicoPuerto Rico Medical Technology Board of Medical Examiners满足Licensure required, national certification recognized. The program does meet requirements being graduates are prepared for the MLT Board of Certification exam. Continuing education hours required every three years.
Rhode IslandN/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
South CarolinaN/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
South DakotaN/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
田纳西州田纳西州 Medical Laboratory Board满足Licensure required, national certification recognized. The program does meet requirements being graduates are prepared for the MLT Board of Certification exam. No continuing education requirements.
德州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
US Virgin Islands Not determined 
犹他州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
佛蒙特州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
维吉尼亚州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
华盛顿N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
West 维吉尼亚州West 维吉尼亚州 Office of Laboratory Services满足Licensure required, national certification recognized. The program does meet requirements being graduates are prepared for the MLT Board of Certification exam. Continuing education contact hours required annually.
威斯康辛州N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.
怀俄明N/A满足Licensure not required in this state, therefore the program meets state licensure requirements.

Disclaimer: The college makes every effort to ensure the information above is current, but please be advised that state laws, regulations and policies may change at any time. It is the responsibility of the student completing the licensure program to check with the licensing board(s) in their state of residence or in the state in which they intend to obtain a license for the most recent information and requirements. M州 shall not be held liable if a student is unable to qualify for licensure or certification in any jurisdiction or cannot obtain a practicum/internship location.